Sunday, February 27, 2011

Where is everyone?

It has been a great week, life really is better when you focus on acceptance instead of change. This does not mean I am giving up the dreams of a guitar solo or completing the book I started years ago with a friend, but dreaming and changing are two completely different animals.

Dream even sounds better because everything is possible. Change, on the other hand, sounds harsh and demanding. You can't draw out the word change like you can the word dream. Example: Dreeeaaamm, or Dreamy, that is very nice. Now try change: Chaaannggee or changey, it simply does not work. So aging is not about creating a new self, it is accepting the self that has been in the game all along and enjoying both old and new adventures.

I have several ideas about adventures and one is and always has been listening to a great band and dancing. I was able to do that this weekend at an event called Oak on the Ice. The hours for the music were perfect - 7:30PM - 10PM. The venue was unusual because it really was on a frozen lake, but they had a tent and the floor was covered with straw so you didn't slip.... too much.

I know for myself that my appetite for late nights is failing as quickly as my ability to read printed pages, so whenever there is band that is starting before 8:30PM I am all in. I actually have been throwing around an idea of opening a club. The name of the club would be Mid-Life Crisis. There would be live music on the weekends and the band would start at 7PM and everyone would be home in bed by 11PM.

This seemed like a brilliant idea considering the demographics of our community, but after this weekend I am not so sure. My friend and I arrived early so we could get a seat for this big name band. You can see from the picture above that we were very effective. Even though the band stopped at 10PM sharp it didn't really fill up till almost 9PM. Maybe the idea of dancing before 9PM is just too radical or maybe nobody has "dreamed" it was possible to have a place to go that aligns with their maturing sleeping patterns. Patterns, I believe, that God has put in place to gently introduce us to the idea of not driving at night in another couple of decades.

I am heading to DC tomorrow to do a training on organizational change for the Office of Personnel Management. I wonder what they would do if I introduced the training as organizational dreaming?

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