Monday, August 8, 2011

Counting Down From 10!

I have noticed a pattern in the blogs I have posted.... First two months - 5 blogs posted, next two months - 3, next two -2, last month 1. Like so many things I start in my life with great gusto, the novelty wears a bit thin and the next thing you know the latest and greatest is on the shelf in the basement.

To avoid this from happening to the blog I am recommitting to this activity. After all, 10 short weeks from today with be October 10th and the journey will be complete. I have so much to do in 10 weeks and realize that most of what I had planned back in January may not be realized.

I will use this posting to help me restructure my goals:

1. The guitar is still tuned and sitting about 8' from my desk, that is as far as I have gotten. I don't believe I can master the instrument in 10 weeks. Instead of guitar mastery I have decided to start listening to Acoustic Sunset on Cities 97, close enough.

2. Still working on the yoga practice, my sister and I did a free week at a yoga center and I realize the only way I will attend yoga is through peer pressure. I am not sure where the love/resistance comes from with yoga, but I now know the only way I am going to class is if someone is there waiting for me.

3. Healthy eating is a bi-monthly activity.

Well, that was fairly easy and pain free! Now, onward to the rest of the journey!


  1. I was inspired to take up yoga when I read that Mrs. Aldous Huxley was standing on her head at 82. I can't remember the last time I stood on my head (10 years old?) and that's not my goal. My goal is to stay flexible as long as possible. I do a series of yoga stretches every morning before I get out of bed. There are a number of other yoga exercises related to strength training that I should do more often.

    How to get to yoga class when there is no one waiting for you? When I first started going to the gym (4 times a week), I never thought about whether I wanted to go or not. I could think of a million reasons why not to go. I just went because that was what was on the schedule. I suppose I might have been motivated because I had gotten disgustingly overweight after I gave up smoking.

    So I'm suggesting that you not think about whether anyone is waiting for you or whether you want to go. Just go. Down the line as corny as this sounds, you will be glad you did.
    As for me I liked going to yoga class better than I liked going to the gym.

    Looking forward to your next post.


  2. My little brother Mike also has a new guitar sitting around newly tuned and mostly untouched ... funny thing, he is also turning 50 and made mud pies with you many years ago ... that is so cute ... love you BOTH!

  3. Ack. Yoga is not for me. It feels like purgatory for a hour or more. HOWEVER, I like Peggy's thoughts on "just GO" I think sometimes the biggest hurdle is the first step.
